Thursday, August 21, 2008


Me on the Big Island>
Originally uploaded by pschwarz.
Hilo, HI

I'm not sure this would be classified as travel, but I've relocated. Sure I'll come back to Minneapolis in the future, but for now I'm enjoying a change of scene.

In Hawaii, of all places.

More on the move and the job in future posts.

I've a little stretching to do to get back into writing shape. I need to rebuild the habit, so these entries may be slow in coming. Not to mention that I don't have access to internet outside of work...


Jessica said...

Remember, must search out some tango activity to make Hawaii a valid place to visit/live according to the mission set forth in this blog.

knobboy said...

Aha!! Congrats on the new gig.

So you'll be commuting between there and Chile?

knobboy said...

fka knobboy, btw

Peter Schwarz said...

Yep, I'll be doing some travel between the two. I have me first trip scheduled in October.