Monday, December 19, 2005

Ready, Set...

As of this morning, I have my tickets for Argentina. February sixth. It's set.

Somehow I thought there'd be more to say on the subject. I'm certainly excited. It's one of the bigger steps to take. Buying tickets, as I noted in the last post, is one of the real steps I have to take to get myself going.

I realize now that there is a ton of work to be done for this trek. Unlike previous times, where all I need to do is cancel my paper and my mail, this is going to involve a lot more. It's makes it a bit daunting. I'll need to move out of my apartment, find storage space for my stuff, find a home for my car while I'm away.

I've got the ball rolling. Tickets are everything: they keep me on track, they remind me of what I'm doing, they keep me focus. Simply, they create a deadline. I don't really work well without deadlines, so I absolutely need it.

28 days in Argentina. Damn, I hope that's enough time.

I always forget that February is a short month...

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