First impressions are important. So far, so good. We seem to like each other, Buenos Aires and me. I haven't had any real issues, not even getting lost.
Well, not really lost. I found myself lost last night after dinner on the way back to my hotel. I stopped at a shop to by something to eat and met an American trying to explain how much more expensive cigarettes are back in the states. In English. I was amused. I also learned a little bit about the popcorn seed business. Interesting the type of people you meet.
As for my Spanish... Yeah, it's pretty rusty. But I can order coffee, and say that I have a reservation, but I do fall very easily into English. Also if there's someone who speaks Spanish more fluently than I do, I'll probably still end up deferring to them. That could get me into trouble, perhaps.
I had dinner with Swiss guy I met on the bus from the airport. Interesting to here the viewpoints from a citizen of a neutral country. Very...neutral. I've noticed that I do a better job meeting people from other countries when they're not in their own country. Weird.
I'm just settling in here, so there isn't really that much to tell, yet. I think the hostel might provide a little more fodder...
One small note, reguarding photos - I haven't taken very many yet, so I haven't uploaded any yet. Soon, my pretties, soon...
Carne Asado
9 years ago
When didja get down there?
Let me know how the steaks are.
What's the tango scene like so far? Better be worth ditching us mid-campaign (sniff sniff), not that we noticed you were gone or anything. ;-)
Need the pics! Gotta see what the women tango dancers are like there.
So I arrived tuesday, mid-day. Not too bad, not too bad. Since I'm going to be here a while I've been taking my time getting settled.
Haven't had a steak yet. Still letting my stomach adjust...
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