Wednesday, February 08, 2006

First Impressions

First impressions are important. So far, so good. We seem to like each other, Buenos Aires and me. I haven't had any real issues, not even getting lost.

Well, not really lost. I found myself lost last night after dinner on the way back to my hotel. I stopped at a shop to by something to eat and met an American trying to explain how much more expensive cigarettes are back in the states. In English. I was amused. I also learned a little bit about the popcorn seed business. Interesting the type of people you meet.

As for my Spanish... Yeah, it's pretty rusty. But I can order coffee, and say that I have a reservation, but I do fall very easily into English. Also if there's someone who speaks Spanish more fluently than I do, I'll probably still end up deferring to them. That could get me into trouble, perhaps.

I had dinner with Swiss guy I met on the bus from the airport. Interesting to here the viewpoints from a citizen of a neutral country. Very...neutral. I've noticed that I do a better job meeting people from other countries when they're not in their own country. Weird.

I'm just settling in here, so there isn't really that much to tell, yet. I think the hostel might provide a little more fodder...

One small note, reguarding photos - I haven't taken very many yet, so I haven't uploaded any yet. Soon, my pretties, soon...


knobboy said...


When didja get down there?

Let me know how the steaks are.


Anonymous said...

What's the tango scene like so far? Better be worth ditching us mid-campaign (sniff sniff), not that we noticed you were gone or anything. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Need the pics! Gotta see what the women tango dancers are like there.


Peter Schwarz said...

So I arrived tuesday, mid-day. Not too bad, not too bad. Since I'm going to be here a while I've been taking my time getting settled.

Haven't had a steak yet. Still letting my stomach adjust...