Sunday, February 05, 2006

Not Even in a Backpack, Sam-I-Am

Ok, so I haven't packed yet. Not at all. Not even a little. I finally just grabbed my backpack out of the car.

I've got all day tomorrow. Well, ok, I have until about four PM or so. That's plenty of time. I should be able to get ready with no problem.

It's not like I haven't accomplished anything for packing. I've been to Target at least once a day for the last five, since I've never really been a list person. I mean, who really needs to write things down. It's not like I won't remember (snowglobe) what I need. I've a good memory, damn it.

Now, where was I.

Right. Packing. I pack light. Damn light.

Five t-shirts - check.
Five pair socks - check.
Five pairs of shorts[1] - check.
Two pairs of trousers - check.
One pair shoes - check.
One pack towel - check.
One sleeping bag, ultra-light[2] - check.
Toiletries - check.
Medkit - check.

Packing - done.

Knowing I won't keel over to do excessive weight: priceless.

Although, now that I think about it, I did settle on War and Peace as my travel reading.


[1] Ok, so I really can't allow myself to refer to them as underwear. At least not on paper. Makes me a little uncomfortable. Not really sure why.

[2] But not warm. Stupid ultra-light material.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was going to say something about underpants, but realized that's as clever as I need to be to make you blush and wish you'd never mentioned your blog. Besides, this is a quality blog and I'm a quality chick (stop giggling--you'll snort coffee out your nose and they'll stare at the American vagabond).

Ah, The Things They Carried... (a good short story, have you read it?).
